Films and Documentaries Festival delle Terre 2015


The documentary follows the life of Sharon, a little girl living near Brasimone Lake, on the Appennino. This is an uncontaminated place where everyone lives according to nature. However in the last three years a nuclear reactor (still under construction) is threatening the place and the lives of its inhabitants. […]

Brasimone 2

Diario de una lucha 1

Diario de una lucha

A small community of Canary Islands try to preserve his rights when a big oil corporation begin to drill in search for the oil in the middle of the uncontaminated Ocean. ALICE VIVONA Editor and filmmaker since 2003, Alice Vivona has made several produced in-house documentaries, as Citizen Ciccio, selected […]

Drill baby drill

One day the people who live in a small village located in far eastern Poland near the Ukrainian border, an ecologically pristine agricultural area called the lungs of Poland discover that Chevron, the world’s fourth largest energy corporation plans to build a shale gas well in their village. LECH KOWALSKI […]

Drill baby drill 2

Food in the woods 2

Food in the woods

Chaco Region is one of the last great wilderness areas left in the world. Due to the expansion of cattle frontier, indiscriminate deforestation is at its peak. Part of the cultural and alimentary habits of indigenous peoples still depends on the forest. Andrea Ruffini Andrea Ruffini is a documentary filmmaker […]

Get a dream or die trying

For several months  refugees and migrants from Africa and Asia crowd into the edge of the French town of Calais trying to reach England. They are concentrated in the opposite side of Eurotunnel, an area that they call “Jungle”, a sort of bidonville, just ten kilometers away from the center […]

Get a dream or die trying 1

L’avvelenata. Cronaca di una deriva 1

L’avvelenata. Cronaca di una deriva

The author uses several thorough interviews to create an interesting reportage about environmental disaster occurred in Calabria when the motor vessel “Rosso” , in 1990, run on the cost of Calabria. Claudio Metallo Claudio Metallo was born in Campora S.G. (CS). He graduated at DAMS in Bologna and worked for […]

No Rest. No Haste.

“No Rest. No Haste.” is a participatory project of Kameradists about indigenous people fighting against the speculation of western corporations. The interviews were based on numerous messages from people fromthe Federal Republic to the indigenous people. The Kameradists are a free association for documentary filmmaking and documentary photography with a […]

No Rest. No Haste. 1

Pentukun. Salute e cultura Mapuche


Pentukun is a documentary about the role of natural elements in Mapuche’s medical culture. The documentary investigates the conception of health and illness in indigenous culture and the relationship between this vision of medicine and western conception of drugs. Eduardo Masset & Elizabeth Luthard Eduardo Masset was born in Córdoba, […]

Sai Nam Tid Shoer

Amidst the tranquility of the deep woods, the habitants of Klity, in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, have always led a simple life. They have fed on the fish populating the town’s creek, but for some time now the river has been contaminated by a mineral processing factory. A young local man dives […]

Sai Nam Tid Shoer 1

Sans terre c’est la faim 1

Sans terre c’est la faim

A travers trois exemples (Cambodge, Mali, Ouganda), le film explore le revers du phénomène mondial d’investissement foncier et son impact sur l’agriculture familiale. Il donne la parole à des agriculteurs directement touchés par la saisie de leur terre, leurs histoires personnelles se mêlent aux images de communautés qui luttent pour […]

Terra di transito

The documentary, produced in partnership with Amnesty International, follows the life of Rashell, a Kurdish refugee trying to escape from his country to reach the North of Europe. Paolo Martino Reporter and documentary filmmaker, has been living for years in the Middle East. In 2011 he obtained a European journalism […]

Terra di transito 1

The rice bomber 1

The rice bomber

 Based on real events that took place in Taiwan in 2003, Cho Li’s socially aware drama The Rice Bomber follows a farmer who takes a stand against the government policies that are destroying the country’s agriculture and devastating the lives of people in rural areas. Cho Li Cho Li is a producer-director. […]

The Songs of Rice

This is a visual record of rice culture and its influences on the people in different parts of Thailand. The lyrical structure of this documentary film reflects the melodies in the songs of rice, crafted and composed by the diverse harmonies of the people who may sing in different voices […]

The Songs of Rice 1

The Water Law 2

The Water Law

Through the discussion of a new (wrongful) Forest Code that was approved by the Brazilian congress, we hear many voices on the matter and reflect on the necessity of immediate action. For the first time the relation between the maintenance of forests and quality of watersupply becomes so clear and serious. […]

Wind of Change

This documentary gives the drought a human face and brings us closer to the challenges that individuals face from climate change. The film follows a farmer in Kenya with big dreams and a vision for his family’s future. He and his family fight against the effects of both global and […]

Wind of Change 2